Jiri Klima
Investigation of starting a three-phase induction machine with one phase out
of the source of supply, pp.119-136
Daniel Mayer, Jan Teply
Theory of Thomson's Jumping Ring, pp.137-149
Jaroslav Feda
Stress-path dependent grain crushing of soils, pp.151-166
Pavol Fedor, Daniela Perdukova, Jaroslav Timko
Study of controlled structure properties with reference model, pp.167-179
Zdena Benesova, Daniel Mayer
One-line-to-ground fault on overhead lines, pp.181-195
Azza M. Abdel-Hamid
Static device to keep symmetry of 3-phase supply feeding large 1-phase
loads, pp.197-211
Bandekas, D.V., Pogaridis, D., Antoniadis P.
Multimachine power system control with algebraic output
feedback method, pp.213-226